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Hello (Again) World

I am back to blog once more. Yes really, I read an interesting piece today, the subject of which falls in the the road to hell is paved with...


Dean Update

Dean touts a 'Jesus strategy' - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics

Dean has announced he plans to mention God and Jesus when he tours the south.

I wonder, why make such an announcement? Does he really think we Southerners are such yokels that we can't read between the lines of announcements like 'Dean has announced he plans to mention God and Jesus when he tours the south' and see Dean has announced he thinks Southerners are stupid and will follow blindly if someone pays lipservice to God and Jesus when he tours the south..
When he plans to tour Utah will he announce he is a follower of Joseph Smith?
When he speaks to an atheists club will he announce he thinks all religion is a bunch of hooey but wink, wink, nudge, nudge he's got them religious Christian Southern morons roped in, just play along?

Time will tell, But announcing to the effect of 'Hey, Southerners like that God and Jesus stuff, I'm gonna spread that and I think they'll fall for it', is foolishness on a grand scale.

What do you think?

SpaceMonkey AWAAAAAAY!!!!

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