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Hello (Again) World

I am back to blog once more. Yes really, I read an interesting piece today, the subject of which falls in the the road to hell is paved with...


11 Years and Counting

Another wonderful year with my wonderful wife has come and gone. I love the life we have made together and the future that stands before us. I love the children we have made together. I love that we are both committed to raising them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. I look forward to growing old with her and sitting on the front porch with her watching our grandchildren play in the yard. These are just dreams but she makes mine come true. I love Karen, all the much in the world.



Happy Thanksgiving
After some consideration, I've realized I should be thankful for not only the things I have, but for the things I don't have that I wouldn't be able to handle. For instance, great wealth on scale of Bill Gates. I'd like to think I could handle it but likely it would only bring excess and more problems than I'd care to imagine, I don't mean this in a 'Sour Grapes' way, really, I don't think. Or maybe I do. I know there's the fantasy about If I were rich I'd do all this good for people like the poor and the sick and the sad and lonely, but what do I do for them now? Well,other than giving at church and giving the occasional person whose car is kaput and on the side of the road a lift or a push? On some level I know I'm rich relative to the rest of the population of the globe. But when I look around I don't look that rich compared to my neighbors. Maybe I need to travel to a third world nation to get some perspective on how rich I truly am. I do know that since I have a job, food, shelter and a loving family, I have more than many. I also have problems that I can deal with and I don't have any that I can't. I'm thankful for that.


Tooth update

The tooth is still loose, but the daughter is getting uptight about the tooth.
Blogroll me baby

I'm a blogrolling now.


Don't you hate it when...

Don't you hate it when you go to your favorite blog and find it hasn't been updated since you read it last?
Don't you hate it when you realize the reason its not been updated is its YOUR blog and YOU haven't posted anything lately?
Well I do, and I did, so I did. Not that I'm all excited about it or anything. Slow news days.

My middle girl has a loose tooth, her first loose tooth. more as the story develops.



Think the British all hate us and/or Bush?

Think again. And this guy knows his stuff.
Ah.... Stress and Stress Management.
revised to protect my employment

Management: You are a hard working employee!
Me: You are a very effective manager!
Management: You may keep your job!
Me: Yes...{smile}.... yes I may!
A difinitive answer to the age old question. And yes, they do tackle the whole African vs European controversy as well.
Estimating the Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow


Vodka Drinking Contest Winner Loser

News from Russia, The winner of a vodka drinking contest dies. Read about it here.
Maybe next year the first three to die of alcohol poisioning will receive a free burial in an absolut bottle shaped coffin.


Good morning

Helped the wife move her classroom to their new building last night. Well, not the room itself but the stuff, the heavy stuff. Not a whole lot of it but it was plenty.


Unintentional Theme Alert

I didn't mean to get on an 80's kick but...... Ahh, hats off to LAUNCHcast and their Awesome 80's channel, I now have music source that I love cuz its free and It's the music I grew up with. LAUNCHcast is a site that keeps me in them tunes I love and keeps the $ in my pocket. Plus you can rate the music your like or hate. Now I'll NEVER hear another Madonna song again at least while I listen to launch. Let the good times roll. [a song I listened to on launch just the other day].


I love the 80's

That was a fun quiz. scored a totally awesome 92 points. duuuude


Belated Happy 29th birthday

Hope you had a great one Steve.

Ode to Coffee

Wonderful beans of flavor, the boost you always bring
You help us wake to meet the day that is why we sing
When antisocial behaviors we need to suppress
We turn to your warm, dark caffeinated caress
When our heads are a cracking from missing you a lot
We know to see you once more we must merely brew a pot
We drink you with pastries, doughnuts, eclairs and such
We can walk again with you, our friend ,as you are our dear crutch
We love your aroma, your froth, your hue.
Doggoneit coffee, we, love, you.


Lunar Eclipse Tonight

Nice show, hope everyone saw it. I watched in the backyard with my ten year old daughter. She loves everything spacy. She wants to be an astonaut one day. That was a dream of mine too at one time. Maybe hers will come true. Mine still could, I guess, but I don't have 20 million to pony up to the Ruskies for a Soyuz seat.


Another work week gone!

Alright. Good job everyone. Thanks for the hard work.
At least it was payday.


Hey now, I got comments, Now can I hear a wahoo? .... wahoo! That's right.... wah hoo.


After 1 and a half days counting crap inventory, I'm back at my wonderful desk.


OK I do have cute pics of my girls in halloween garb, but the (free) pic posting thing still eludes me.